Saturday, January 31, 2009


This is Frankie, he is a 5 year old miniature dachshund that we've raised since he was 2 1/2 months old. Last week we noticed that Frankie was not acting like himself so we took him to the veterinarian and they said that he had somehow suffered a mild back injury and was placed on conservative medication to treat it. He was scheduled for a follow-up appointment for a week later. One day before his scheduled appointment, we noticed that Frankie was having difficulty controlling his hind limbs. He struggled to go to the bathroom, walk, and even stand still. After further inspection by his regular vet, they found that he was beginning to lose sensation in his legs and referred us for an immediate evaluation by a animal neurologist.

The specialist concluded that he has a T13-L1 ruptured disk in his spine near his waist area. This is apparently the most common area for a back injury to occur in Dachshunds due to their long torso, supported by small legs. It is something that naturally develops over time in some dogs and usually occurs between 3 and 6 years old. It absolutely requires surgery, or else Frankie would inevitably face paralysis in his back legs and tail. He will somewhat have to re-learn how to walk with his hind legs post surgery, but would expect to make a full recovery and have full use of his legs again.

On Monday, January 26th, Frankie underwent the surgery. There was never a question of whether we would have the surgery done, but more so how it would be paid for, as it does come at high cost. After hospital stays, an MRI, the surgery and medication a likely total cost will be $4000-6000.

Like any other married couple in their 20s, we're as hard up for money as anyone else and if you could donate what you are able to, even if it $1 or $2, we will forever be grateful.

We miss him dearly. Please, if nothing else, keep him in your thoughts.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

When donating, please include your mailing address as we'll be sending out thank you cards to everyone who helps us out.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 1 at home.

When I got home yesterday, Frankie came walking out of his kennel wagging his tail so fast. I put the bronco blanket on the floor next to me and he immediately layed down. I put the excess blanket over top of him so that he was covered. He stayed there for the next 3.5 hours. He got up to eat and to go potty and then we set up his "suite" - (a plastic gated area, maybe 4-5' in diameter for him to stay in while we are away or can't watch him, actually made for toddlers) for him to go to bed. Frankie usually sleeps with us every night, curled up close to my side. We turned off the lights and went to bed and not even 10 minutes later, we started to hear weak little barks from the living room - over time, they got louder and louder. Morgan went out to try to calm him down but he kept barking (I wouldn't know, I was sleeping!). He came in to tell me that Frankie was still upset. I went out and ended up crawling into his suite, curled up in a ball, and Frankie immediately starting snuggling and fell fast asleep. At that point, I knew I was in there all night long. Can't say that it was the most comfortable sleep of my life - we have hardwoods with a thin area rug on it, but I slept so good. I had such a deep sleep last night, even if I did wake up two times feeling like my hipbone was severely bruised from sleeping on the hardwood!

This morning when Morgan got him up to eat and potty, I heard him yelp. Hopefully it was just the way that he was picked up. When I got up this morning and moved, he let out a tiny yelp. i am so scared that I am going to hurt him. He is deep asleep on his dog bed with two blankets over him, a bowl of water for the day, and a potty pad that he more than likely wont use. I hope he gets a lot of rest today. We may have to figure something else out for sleeping arrangements, dont know how many nights I will be able to handle sleeping on the hardwoods!

Im considering calling the vet for some pain meds, just to be safe.

It is so nice having him home, you don't even know. Probably even better for him, i haven't seen him so calm since last Friday before we took him to the vet.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Frankie is home!

Morgan here.

After almost a full week cooped up in kennels and on operating tables, Frankie was finally able to come home today. He started crying when he was brought out to me, possibly because he started to clue in on the short visits we were making, but as soon as he we headed for the door, he relaxed. He slept on my lap the whole drive home, and after saying his hellos to the gang when he got home, I helped him up on the couch and he immediately curled up under the Bronco blanket and fell asleep.

A huge thank you to everyone who has donated to help pay for Frankie's care. The exact final cost upon his discharge was $5475.53. It came in a little under the high end of the estimate, but I'm sure anyone can agree, that's still a mighty scary bill to be staring you in the face.

It means the world to us that, especially in a time like this where everyone is tight on money, you were able to open up your wallet and spare a couple bucks for a good cause. It's something we'll surely never, ever forget. Every time Frankie is able to get up and walk, it will be thanks to your help.

That being said, if anyone was considering throwing in a dollar or two to help cover the costs, it's still a great time to act on it! We could really use the help.

Thanks again.

There's no place like home

Frankie comes home today!! :) Morgan will be picking him up around 3:00 p.m. I am so excited. Class will not be able to go fast enough tonight!

Will update more later tonight.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Great News!

This morning I spoke with the tech who said that Frankie is doing GREAT. He is pottying on his own, eating and drinking on his own and is now off all fluids. She said that he was very hyper in his cage and was running around. She said that he was up walking and that while he has has not perfected his walk, he is doing well and will gain his balance back over time.

Morgan went to go visit him this afternoon and said that the visit went well. He was able to see Frankie up and outside going potty. Said that his squat for peeing isn't the same as it used to be, but that it will probably return once his back feels better. He was even sniffing out some turds to eat (Frankie LOOOOVES tootsie rolls), so that must mean he is back on track to being his old self again. They had to put a note on his door "WILL BOLT OUT OF CAGE" because he is so anxious to get out of his cage that he will just try to jump whenever anyone opens the door. Morgan said that Frankie continued to cry and shake during his visit, though.

The tech is optimistic that he will be coming home tomorrow!!!! I miss him so much. I am SO glad that he is doing better and I am SO anxious to have him home again.

Will update tomorrow with the latest status and on whether or not he will be returning home!

Dear Frankie,

I miss you so much today. One would think that the days would get easier. But, they don't. In fact, I think it gets harder. I can't wait to have you home. We all miss you so much. I won't be able to see you tonight, but Daddy will come. I wake up every single morning in a frantic - probably because I am so used to waking up with you curled up to the small of my waist. I miss hearing your loud yawns in the morning when I tell you it is time to go outside to go potty. I miss hearing your little nails going pitter patter around the house. I miss hearing you barking at squirrels. And believe it or not, I even miss waking up to find piss on the living room rug because you were too stubborn and lazy to go outside. I miss your big barrel chest. I miss your half inch overbite. I miss your little tail with hair missing. I miss seeing you run. I miss seeing your "hydraulics" when we ask if you want to eat some food and you get so excited that you lift your front end, up and down, over and over again. I miss singing songs with you. I miss seeing your nose sticking out from under the covers.

Hopefully we hear that you were able to go potty by yoursellf today. That will be a huge milestone.

When I was playing videos of you last night, Sammy heard you crying through the computer and he looked so confused and put his nose right up to the computer speaker, turning his head 90 degrees, back and forth. We can't wait for your arrival home.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First Visit, Post-Op.

Frankie - Post Op.


It's never easy saying goodbye.

We went to see Frankie tonight. It was our first visit since his surgery. To be honest, I think I had prepared myself for the worst. The surgery incision wasn't as bad as I had prepared myself for. In fact, I didn't pay attention to it, just to him, and helping him feel comfortable. He cried and whimpered through the majority of our visit. At one point, he burried his face inbetween my and Morgan's arm, layed down, let out a few sighs and stopped crying and shaking. I could tell he felt so comfortable and relaxed, just having us near. He stood up a few times but fell over. He tried to push his way out of his kennel. The site where his IV was in his arm was bloody, which made me sad - looked like they have bandaged it a few times. He seemed tired. I know that he just wanted us near so that he could rest and sleep comfortably knowing that we were near and weren't going away. It broke my heart. I won't lie, this is definitely taking a toll on my life. I feel very depressed and struggle with motivation.

Sorry that the video and pictures are so dark, they dim the lights and we didn't want to use a flash.

Day 1 Post Op

I dont remember the last time that I was able to sleep well. I think that I've called our other dog, Sammy, by Frankie's name about 5 times in the last 24 hours. Poor buddy. He misses Frankie.

Well, I am super excited to be able to see Frankie tonight. I am also scared, though. It is really unlikely that I will be able to take him out of his kennel or that I will be able to hold him. But, I just want to go remind him that I am here. I have work all day and then school from 530-645 and visitation is until 730. It will take me about 30 mintues to get there, so I am hoping they still allow me to visit him. Hopefully I will get a better update than "he is doing well, sleeping in his kennel" - I mean, I don't know what else they could give me an update on, but I just feel like I need to know everything.

I should get a morning update call this morning around 10. If I do, I will be sure to update.

I am convinced that my brother and mother are the only people that read this blog, ha ha! Oh well, it serves a purpose for me - to vent and let out some emotion, that is what blogs are for, right?

Update(11:45am): I called the vet this morning to get an update on Frankie. She said that he is still sleepy, has yet to stand up on his legs - although they'd like him to. He ate a little bit when she fed him, which she was happy about. She said it will be good for me to come visit this evening because it will likely get him up on his legs. She said they will be taking his Fentanyl patch off today and that will likely encourage him to get up, as they often start moving around once the pain medication is decreased. I asked what has to occur before he can come home and she said that they keep them a minimum of 3 days, so we're looking at Thursday at the earliest. Friday would probably be better as we will be home over the weekend and won't have to leave him alone for a couple days, but we will see. I miss him so much. I got a little choked up when I hung up the phone. I just want this all to be over with and for him to be a healthy pup again. Can't wait to see him tonight.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Big Day

Well, I knew my day was going to start early today.

Update 1: The hospital called at 6am to informed me that Dr. Lane was putting on his scrubs and they would be taking Frankie into have his MRI done. They will call me when this is completed - this will allow them to know if/where surgery is needed. Im so nervous and sad today, but doing my best. Work will be rough. I am closing my door today.

Update 2: Heard back. He needs surgery, they are "clipping" him and getting into surgery. They said that I should hear back by 8am. He said that his prognosis is great and he has no reason to believe anything catastrophic will occur. He said the MRI showed that it is a ruptured disk, what they call a T13-L1. He said this is the most common rupture area that they see on dachshunds. Hopefully this means it is somewhat routine. I am a crying mess. Will update later.

Update 3: Frankie made it through surgery without any complications. Dr. Lane said that he thinks Frankie will make an excellent recovery. They will call me later when he is awake in his kennel. I will update then. Off to work.

Update 4: I got a call from the tech and she said that Frankie woke up from being under and that he was resting under some blankets that were heated. I told her that was the key with him as he loves being warm and under the covers. She said she was concerned about him recovering just because he has been so jumpy and hasn't adjusted well to his new temporary environment (with all the barking and crying), but that he was doing well. She said I could come see him tomorrow. I will be so excited to see him. I miss him so much.

Update 5: I just called to speak with an assistant. They said that he is still sleepy and has slept through the majority of the day. Said that they will try to feed him between 8 at 12 this evening but that he more than likely wont be interested in eating, at lest for a day or two. But, my boy likes to eat, so we will see. I miss him a lot tonight. I wish I could go visit but understand that he needs his rest. I am going to see him tomorrow after class - I get out at 645 and visitation is only until 730, but hopefully I will get in a decent visit. I am sure I will have to leave the door closed as he won't be able to get up and walk around. Hopefully he potties sooner than later, that will mean a faster arrival home. Keep thinking good thoughts. I hope he gets a great night sleep tonight, from the sounds of it, it will be his first since staying at the hospital.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Visit 3: Video

Here is Frankie walking:

Frankie, pre-surgery

Mommy talking to Frankie:

Frankie Pt. 2

Visit 3 (1/25/09 PM)

We went to visit Frankie one last time before surgery. Tomorrow is going to be a very rough day for us all.

The visit went pretty well, better than this morning. They attempted to catheterize him but I guess that it is difficult with dachshunds so they are going to retry tomorrow morning. He mostly stayed in our laps with his eyes heavy. We let him walk around just a bit so that we could get a video of his presurgery walk. He actually walked pretty well tonight - better than this morning and perhaps a little better than yesterday. He seemed very tired as he had difficulty keeping his eyes open. He just wanted to be close to mommy and daddy.

It sure was hard saying goodbye to him tonight. It never gets easy. I feel like it should get easier. But, I have yet to leave the facility without crying.

I hope tomorrow goes well for him. Please, everyone, think good thoughts for my little boy.

We love him very much.

Here is a picture from our visit tonight.

I will post the video as soon as the upload to youtube is completed.

Visit 2 (1/25/09 AM)

We went to visit Frankie this morning. We decided that we would visit twice today, once is the morning and once in the evening, beings we won't be able to visit tomorrow.

We weren't able to take him in a room like we did yesterday. We walked back to the area where the dogs are kept and we could hear him barking. He sounded upset. We got there and realized that they have to keep a towel over his cage because he barks and cried whenever he sees someone walking by. He seemed really stressed out today. We let him walk around for a couple minutes and his walking seemed to be about the same as yesterday. Morgan held him for the majority of our visit and he just let out little whimper cries through out whole visit. They said that he does not sleep a whole lot and just barks and cries from inside his kennel. :(

This was so hard for me to hear and deal with. Because he seemed to calm yesterday, I thought that he was adjusting well to his new temporary environment. This isn't the case. I had convinced myself that he was doing ok, which made me feel ok. Knowing that he stressed and upset makes me stressed and upset. I just want my little guy home.

We are going back to visit tonight. I will be visiting by myself on Tuesday after school/work. It is going to be a hard visit for me and I am not looking forward to it. This will be my first visit post surgery and I know that he won't be the same Frankie that I know. I am scared.

Hopefully during our visit tonight, we are able to take him into a room to spend some more personal time with him.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Visit 1 (1/24/09 - PM)

We went to visit Frankie this evening at VRCC, where he is staying. We were able to go in a room with him to allow him to walk around and do his thing. He mostly wanted to sit in our lap or lay on our legs. It was so nice to see him. I started crying before we even got there and started crying again while we were waiting in the lobby. It felt so great to see him and he was so happy to see us. His eyes were wide-eyed, he seemed to be comfortable in his new environment, but he also seemed very sleepy. Frankie is a dog that enjoys sleeping 23 hours a day underneath our duvet - he is probably enjoying all of the rest that he is able to get.

We put him down to walk and I hate to say it, but I think his walking was worse than it was yesterday. He fell over a few times, but was also able to catch his balance when he was was about to fall. His back legs seemed very week and sometimes his paw would flip over and he wouldn't notice. It is so devastating to watch you dog like that.

The tech said that he is doing very well, pooping and peeing, does decently on his walks and is active inside his little kennel - trying to climb up the walls and plays with himself.

We stayed for 30 minutes and realized he seemed very tired so we said our goodbye. While we were waiting in the lobby, we snuck a treat in his mouth - he surely liked that. I started crying the second I handed Frankie back to the tech. The tech put his hand on the side of Frankie's face so that he wasn't able to look back at us as we walked away.

I miss him so much. It has been so hard to go through this. We purchased a new plastic play pen for him to be in when he comes home. I am sure he will be spoiled with a heated blanket, a new bed, and a new bowl for his water. i am anxious for him to come home, but more anxious for him to just feel better and walk like a 5yo dog should be able to.

We miss hime so much. I can't wait to see him tomorrow. Monday will be hard, we wont be able to see him as he won't be allowed visitors for 24 hours after surgery to make sure he is well rested. I understand this - he would obviously be excited to see us, which could cause injury to his back right after the surgery.

Here are a few pictures of him. If the one of him standing, you can see that his back limbs are a little crooked and just don't look right. He tried so hard to stand tall and strong. I guess that is a plus side to this, he is a dachshund, which means he is stubborn and won't give up without a fight.

I forgot my camera, so these were taken with my phone, sorry for the crappy quality (and the sideways daddy kiss photo).

Update (1/24/09 AM)

The hospital just called to give us the first update on Frankie. He did very well over night. He is eating and drinking, able to walk a little bit, and is wagging is tail. We will go see him tonight during visitation hours. It's going to be a long week. It has only been 15 hours and it seems like forever.

I'll keep you posted.