Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Great News!

This morning I spoke with the tech who said that Frankie is doing GREAT. He is pottying on his own, eating and drinking on his own and is now off all fluids. She said that he was very hyper in his cage and was running around. She said that he was up walking and that while he has has not perfected his walk, he is doing well and will gain his balance back over time.

Morgan went to go visit him this afternoon and said that the visit went well. He was able to see Frankie up and outside going potty. Said that his squat for peeing isn't the same as it used to be, but that it will probably return once his back feels better. He was even sniffing out some turds to eat (Frankie LOOOOVES tootsie rolls), so that must mean he is back on track to being his old self again. They had to put a note on his door "WILL BOLT OUT OF CAGE" because he is so anxious to get out of his cage that he will just try to jump whenever anyone opens the door. Morgan said that Frankie continued to cry and shake during his visit, though.

The tech is optimistic that he will be coming home tomorrow!!!! I miss him so much. I am SO glad that he is doing better and I am SO anxious to have him home again.

Will update tomorrow with the latest status and on whether or not he will be returning home!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Franks, it's Gamma!!! I am so excited to know that you are doing so well and are probably going home tomorrow. See, I told you it would be o.k. if you did what the drs. and nurses told you. Will be so glad when you are home. "Mommy" and "Daddy" will take good care of you, and Gamma will call and talk to you on the phone. Gamma xoxoxoxoxo
